TM1mobile supports two operational modes -
Device and Web.
Use the "Device" mode for offline operations and
use the "Web" mode for accessing actual TM1 data during your online
Go offline with TM1mobile, on your device!
Device is the operational mode to
access your TM1 data stored on your device.
Driving this mode
TM1 Servers,
navigational information, filter settings, grid data and charts are
accessed primary from the local storage. If
requested informations are not available yet TM1mobile tries to get
them online and stores them on your device - automatically.
Using the Device mode in online sessions is very
helpful to achieve realtime performance through accessing data from
your local storage.
Please note the "Last refresh" timestamp
information showing you date and time of your stored data in the
footer area:
and - if staying online - push the
"Refresh"-Button below
requesting the actual TM1 information from the
TM1 Server and storing it on your device automatically.
Get the actual TM1 data, automatically!
If you are using the Web mode you
need to be online - network - and connected to your selected TM1
Web is the operational mode to access
your TM1 data directly from the TM1 Server - "Auto refreshing" all
navigational information, filter settings, grid data and
The "Web" mode stores refreshed data to the local
storage automatically - for your next offline session in "Device"